Demystify your HIPAA cybersecurity compliance.

Expert HIPAA Cybersecurity Compliance Help, Without You Having To Be One

Complete Compliance Solutions


Meet your core annual HIPAA requirements, Privacy & Security Training, Policies & Procedures, and EVA MD, an employee vulnerability assessment.


Policies addressing topics like network security, computer use, bring your own device, physical security, and termination. Employees electronically sign and acknowledge their understanding of each policy.


Continuous education for employees on how to spot phishing emails, a common avenue for infiltrating business computers and networks.


Monthly security awareness e-Newsletters with tips to keep employees secure both in the office and at home.

Why do I need to be concerned about HIPAA and Cybersecurity?

Patient Data Makes You Vulnerable

Protected Health Information is valuable on the dark web. Storing, transmitting, and accessing patient information puts your organization at higher risk of experiencing a cyber-attack.

92% of Data Breaches Are Due To Human Error

66%  of the time cyber criminals identified phishing email as their attack method of choice. Unsuspecting employees might click on malicious links or files with out thinking twice. 

HIPAA Is A Federal Regulation

Protecting patient data is your organization’s responsibility. If you fail to properly protect that data, you are in violation of HIPAA regulations. Failure to comply often comes with hefty fines and penalties.

Password reuse is an Epidemic

59% of individuals admitted to mostly or always using the same password, despite 91% knowing it’s a security risk. If a breached password is reused, the subsequent accounts are also at risk of being hacked.


Available for Covered Entities and Business Associates, each of our complete compliance solutions cover the HIPAA Compliance basics required annually through our easy-to-use compliance portal.
Check out key features of our HIPAA Compliance Suite:





Start simplifying your compliance. Meet core annual requirements with a Security Risk Assessment, HIPAA Privacy & Security Training, and HIPAA Policies & procedures.


Continuous Security & HIPAA Training

Everything from our standalone service, plus continuous analysis of key security metrics that identify human security risks and HIPAA compliance gaps. Includes regular employee vulnerability assessments.


Comprehensive Security & HIPAA Compliance Program

Combines our Standalone and Continuous services into a one program to mitigate human security risks, identify emerging cybersecurity risks, and meet core compliance requirements.

Features and Benefits


Standalone HIPAA Compliance


Standalone HIPAA Compliance


Standalone HIPAA Compliance

Demystify your HIPAA cybersecurity compliance.

Protect Your Healthcare Practice from Ongoing External and Internal Threats